Friday, January 9, 2009

Black Friday

Today was going so well. Scott and I both had tomorrow off, the weather is beautiful today, then it turned into black Friday.
You know, you never think it could happen to you. We've been listening to the stories on the news about so many people being out of work, the jobless rate climbing, recession, etc..... then it happens to your family.
Wham! It's like a two by four across the forehead!
Scott was pulled into Human Resources today at 2:30 to be told that his position has been eliminated. He was layed off permanently, but not fired.
We are of course still reeling.
So....... we are trying to figure out how on earth we will survive this. I mean we don't have a nest egg, Sydney is going to have to be pulled out of her pre-school until we can figure out what to do with this mess.
I was just saying a prayer of thanks that we both had jobs that we thought were secure and that we loved, and then today happened.
Who knows where we will end up! Maybe we'll become the new American type nomads, traveling around to all our friends visiting in turn, working odd jobs for gas for the massive camper we'll be driving across the country.
I've heard that 'God never gives you more than you can carry", or "this too shall pass". Hope those are true.
Well, I better get off here I've got to run to the liquor store and the chocolate factory for supplies!
Please say a prayer that this is just a bump in the road for our family.

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